Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Texas water table decline and associated well owner dilemmas

The NGWA Water Well Journal has released its December copy online.   If your business or home depends on groundwater, would advise signing up for their online distribution. Lots of good information in each monthly distribution.

Of note to Texas, it has a detailed map of water table decline.  Water table declines are something everyone should be cognizant of in their area.  If you have older wells, there is a chance that the tables have or eventually will drop below the submersible pump height which will eventually lead to you losing a pump.  Keep in mind different regions of Texas are impacted more severely than others. Water table levels can be restored, but with drought predictions and increasing populations, the chances of our water levels restoring to height of initial pump placements or drilling depths are not likely in most areas.  

Losing a pump is very costly and easily preventable.  I advise everyone check their water table annually to ensure pump level is below water table and associated pumping draw down.  Ensure pump has been turned off for 4-6 hours to measure proper water table height. Pump services companies can perform this  in an annual checkup for well remediation/cleaning.  

In Texas, you can find your local water table height on the Texas Water Development Board  or Water Data for Texas. Water levels fluctuate greatest in the summer time, so don't depend on the data of local monitor wells.

 Water Well Journal


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